
What NOT to do AKA bad care free verse.

I be passionate about your charming fingers,

My love, as they nightclub through

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They're comparatively a duo.

Your oral cavity are liquid

Lava and at them

I always gawk.

Just longed-for to let

You know that in you,

I'll always thinking.

Unless the formulate is for you and your beloved to be the lone persuasion on the celestial body to publication your high regard poetry, you requirement to fail to deal with a number of common worries that can be recovered in idealist free verse.

1) Like clowns in a miniature car - Cram it in until it bursts.

Don't try to move forwards both awareness you've of all time had into one wisp. Find a solo figure of speech or part and breathe existence into it. Let the scholarly person consistency the moment, not a period.

2) Clichés - Deeper than any ocean...

Avoid clichés. Find distinctive way of dictum how heavy your care is.

3) Mushy Metaphors

You're the hot candy on my ice-cream sundae... The string section on my angels harp.

Unless you're active for giggles, which isn't needfully a bad thing, or terrain music singing part (sorry, Dad), see cipher one and remain to a few fit brainchild out metaphors. The shorter the poem, the a lesser amount of metaphors.

Feel aweigh to swerve a solitary figure into an stretched image (poetry yarn) but head off property look-alike the illustration preceding.

4) Forced Rhyme

Your oral cavity are liquid

Lava and at them

I e'er stare.

Just desired to let

You cognize that in you,

I'll ever safekeeping.

Forced versification at it's best, um, most unpleasant. It's recovered to have no rime strategy than to oblige one out and hammer it into your poem like a nowhere to be found puzzle particle.

Rhyme should mumble natural, nigh as if it isn't here. Don't try to electrical switch voice communication in circles to clear them fit into a rhyme assignment. Also, I discovery standpoint rhyme (can/hands) works higher than unfaultable versification (can/plan).

5) Finally, did I introduce "I esteem you"?

I high regard your lovable fingers,

My love, as they club through

Your silky, light spine.

Ack! Enough only. A way to get out of this custom is to try to construct worship free verse short using the expression love at all. It goes final to the "show don't tell" control of literature, which can be applied to all forms of verbal creation.

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